This is what I learned about the differences in Athenian and Spartan life. Athens had a more common and traditional approach to their family development. Sparta had a harsh new style that helped create the military program they promoted. The Athenian women lived very secluded lives because their husbands did not want their wives to be unfaithful. Spartan women lived freely and left the house whenever they wanted. In both states, if a child was born he or she was taken to their father. If the father said the baby was too weak or if it was the first girl, the baby was taken outside to die. If the baby was lucky maybe someone would adopt the baby and make the baby their slave. Sparta was a war state and they thought family loyalty was going to weaken Sparta so they settled on a few rules to make families less important than the state. Here are the rules: young married couples could not be seen together, all men ate at the mess hall even the king, at age seven boys were sent to go live in the military barracks, and boys were taught to live life hard from a young age. That is what I learned about the differences in Athens and Sparta.

Athens Vs Sparta - YouTube

One thought on “The Difference in Athens and Spartan Life

  1. Both of those ancient states sound horrible for women and children! So happy we are much more advanced in our thinking nowadays. And, so happy I did not live my life during that time. I pray that this holiday season is full of happiness and fun for the Briers family. Eat good foods, get your sleep, exercise everyday, study and read every chance you get, and promote peace and tolerance! Love you.

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