This is what I learned about impressionism. Impressionism is radical Empiricism. Empiricism means realism which is a form of art. Like empiricists, impressionists were only interested in the facts of nature and what could be experienced through our senses. They believed anything beyond this- including a super natural Creator God- is unknowable. Impressionists went even farther than empiricists. They wanted to know what our eyes really see. They studied the behavior and properties of visible light and what happened when people see for the first time. Impressionists realized that people who were born blind and later made able to see through eye surgery, had difficulty distinguishing objects around them. Instead they saw patches or shapes of color. Impressionists believed that these raw sense impressions reveled foundational knowledge about the universe. With that they painted pictures full of color patches.

Claude Monet is the most famous impressionist. His paintings show his personal struggle to find real knowledge about the universe. Here are some paintings made by him:

Springtime (painting) - Wikipedia
Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son - Monet - Western Painting  - Famous Paintings - Canon Creative Park

Weeping Willow (painting) - Wikipedia

One thought on “Impressionism A Form Of Art

  1. Wow, great report about art and the background to those two different styles. You are certainly an artist yourself, at a very young age. I enjoy seeing the pictures you are creating and look forward to your developing style. This report was very well-written. Thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

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