This is what I learned about tarantulas. They are part of the Theraphosidae family. There 900 species of tarantulas. Tarantulas come from the word a town called Taronto, Italy.

Goliath bird eater

They rarely ever eat birds even though their name says bird eater. Instead, they eat bugs and mice. They live a 15-25 year life span.

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Mexican red kneed bird eater

Females live for 30 years. Their legs span is 6 inches long.

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Chilean Rose Tarantula

They are very common in pet shops. They are very easy to care for.

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Cobalt Blue Tarantula

They are found in south east Asia. They live in burrows underground.

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Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula

They are found in central America. They live in burrows to avoid extreme temperatures day and night.

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Green Bottle Blue Tarantula

They are fast growing, fast moving spiders. They eat a lot and they are native to Venezuela.

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Wolf spiders

They are excellent hunters. When the eggs hatch, they hitch a ride onto their mom’s back.

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That I what I learned about tarantulas.

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