Image result for black widow spider

This is what I learned about black widows. Black widow spiders are classified in the Theridiidae family. There are 2,200 species in this family. There are 32 spider species in this genus. Female black widows hang upside down on their webs. They have poor eyesight. Black widows live all around the world. Male widows tend to be smaller and lighter in color than females. Females weigh 30x more than males. Females lay 1,000 eggs in 2 weeks. Only females have a red hourglass marking on their abdomen. Widows eat flies, beetles, and grasshoppers. That is what I learned about black widows.  

3 thoughts on “Black Widow Spiders

  1. Boy, I didn’t know these spiders live all around the world, oh my! At least they have poor eyesight so that I can sneak by them if they are close by.


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